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About the company

The Slovenian company Eltratec was founded in 1988 and since then it has been engaged in the development and production of measuring and control equipment, particularly in the field of level and pressure measurement and environmental monitoring data recording. The current name ELTRATEC d.o.o. was given to the company in 2009 as a result of expansion. The measuring equipment produced by the company is widely used in many water management facilities, large oil companies, and in monitoring drinking water sources, reducing losses in drinking water distribution, and saving energy in heat production and distribution. Product quality is confirmed by an ISO 9001 quality management system certificate.

Eltratec products 


Level and Pressure Sensors

Eltratec manufactures a wide range of gauges used to measure level and pressure of liquids in different environments: tanks, boreholes, rivers and lakes, characterised by ruggedness and high accuracy. They are available in level and pressure sensors for undemanding applications, level and temperature sensors for water monitoring, tyre inflation gauges with presetting of required pressure, equipped with LCD screen and stainless steel housing, differential pressure sensors, compact level and pressure sensors with multifunctional LCD screen and programmable measuring range.


Temperature and Conductivity Sensors

The company offers a range of temperature sensors with probes in different housings. Some models are equipped with a display to show the current reading. The housings are made of stainless steel, except for the wall-mounted room versions, which are made of ABS plastic. The sensors are widely used in power engineering, various industries, swimming pools and tanks of all kinds. Conductivity sensors manufactured by Eltratec are used for monitoring water resources, rivers or lakes, quality control in hot water supply systems. The sensors are available in both immersion and dry fitting versions. A number of devices have an integrated LCD display.


Controllers and data loggers

The company's catalogue includes versatile controllers for collecting readings and controlling various devices depending on the received readings. The company manufactures a range of electronic data loggers capable of measuring and recording various fluid flow parameters, such as pressure, level, flow, temperature and conductivity. Together with sensors and modules from the company's range, they provide a complete solution for monitoring and processing fluid flow information. With the ability to use various autonomous power supplies, the data loggers can be installed in remote and inaccessible locations. Data transfer can be made via an embedded GSM modem.


Other products

In addition to its main product line, Eltratec also produces overvoltage protection devices against atmospheric surges, magnetic induction and other factors for waterworks automation applications. The company manufactures electrical enclosure door-mounted signalling panels, which are designed to display the most important information about events inside the actuator using LEDs of different colours. Two types of information are most common: operating status of the various devices (pump operation, burner operation, damper opening, etc.) and alarm events (pump failure, level or pressure failure, protection failure, unauthorised access, etc.). The product line also includes relay boards with LED indication, used for galvanic isolation of control and power circuits.

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